Create space to thrive.
Often, our personal histories have a profound effect on our lives. Past trauma and abuse can create damaging inner narratives and leave survivors with PTSD and intense triggers. Trauma therapies like brainspotting can help reduce the intensity of triggers over time, to help you reclaim your life and create space to decide how you want to move forward.
Want to create new space for growth?
For many people with a traumatic past, triggers can be debilitating. Trauma can come from threats to physical safety, but it can also come from an accumulation of incidents which compromise psychological and emotional safety.
Therapy offers a window into the effects of the past on our current lives, to see new ways of coping and being in the world. My goal for clients with trauma is to create a safe space for sharing as much or as little detail as you’re comfortable with, and working with you to reduce the stress triggers can cause.
If you need someone to help you on your journey from the effects of trauma, I’m here to support you. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have, or book a free consultation to see if I’m the right fit for your needs.

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
— Maya Angelou